The School

Summer schools on conflict and conflict-related issues are mostly concentrated in Northern Europe, while in Italy courses on such topics are meant mainly as professionalising tools for non-academic audiences. Torino has a long-standing tradition of conflict-related studies, both in its University and in its military institutions, and for this reason it has stepped up to fill up this void.

The Engaging Conflict Summer School is designed to equip committed students, early-career researchers and professionals with advanced tools to critically understand conflict and tackle it as a dynamic reality. 

Summer schools on conflict and conflict-related issues are mostly concentrated in Northern Europe, while in Italy courses on such topics are meant mainly as professionalizing tools aimed at non-academic audiences. Torino has a long-standing tradition of conflict-related studies, both in its University and in its military institutions, and for this reason it has stepped up to fill up this void.

The Engaging Conflict Summer School is designed to equip committed students, early-career researchers and professionals with advanced tools to critically understand conflict and tackle it as a dynamic reality. 

The Engaging Conflict Summer School is designed to provide participants with a critical and multi-disciplinary understanding of contemporary conflict and violence, starting with a broad approach and moving towards more specific, yet salient topics. Engaging Conflict's faculty draws from a unique spectrum of expertise to train a select group of participants in assessing the complexity of conflict and post-conflict scenarios, and evaluating the relevance and impact of different policy choices or normative standings, from non-intervention to conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

The Engaging Conflict Summer School addresses three core questions:

1 – What is conflict?
• Conflict as a concept
• Conflict as a discourse
• Theoretical approaches to conflict and violence
• Actors and methods of conflict

2 – How does conflict work?
• Causes of conflict
• Political economy of conflict
• Conflict dynamics and impacts
• Local experiences of conflict – and of peace
• Transnational dimension of conflict

3 – How can we respond to conflict?
Early warning and conflict prevention
• Mediation, negotiation and third-party involvement
• Peacebuilding and development
• Disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration
• Post-conflict reconstruction

The Engaging Conflict Summer School is organised by T.wai – Torino World Affairs Institute in partnership with the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin.